De La Salle brothers

Congregation of



Congregation of



                 Three volumes, translated into English, the first in 1992, the second in 1995 and third in 1997 that have 99 words or expressions: how they were understood at the time of the Founder and how they can help inform Lasallian thinking today. A number of authors have collaborated on this publication. It comes in formats ranging from four to over twenty pages when the issue warrants it. The fourth volume is in preparation.

It presents a list of current topics treated according to the published volumes.

Lasallian Themes 1

1.    Apostle
2.    Artisans
3.    Association
4.    Catechism
5.    Child-Pupil-Disciple
6.    Christian
7.    Church
8.    Commandments
9.    Consecration
10.    Consolation-Tepidity-Dryness
11.    Conversation
12.    Conversion
13.    Correction
14.    Counsels
15.    Decorum and Christian Civility
16.    Disciples
17.    Duties of a Christian
18.    Education – To bring up
19.    Example – Edification
20.    Exercises
21.    Fidelity – Perseverance
22.    Gentleness
23.    Goodness – Tenderness
24.    God’s role
25.    Guardian angels
26.    Hearts – To touch hearts
27.    Hymns
28.    Love – charity
29.    Marian devotion
30.    Spirit of Christianity
31.    Spirit of the world
32.    State

Lasallian Themes  2

33.    Brother’s Dress
34.    Brothers of the Christian Schools
35.    Christian Teacher
36.    Faith – The Spirit of Faith
37.    Formation
38.    God’s work
39.    Incarnation
40.    Inspiration
41.    Joy
42.    Justice
43.    Mission, Sending
44.    Mortification
45.    Mystery
46.    Novitiate
47.    Parents of the pupils
48.    Penitent
49.    Poor
50.    Reflection
51.    Renunciation – Detachment
52.    Renewal
53.    Retreat
54.    Rule – Regularity
55.    Sacraments
56.    Saints
57.    Salvation
58.    Silence
59.    Simple attention – Contemplation
60.    Solitude
61.    Teacher – Pupil relationship
62.    Truth
63.    Vigilance
64.    Vows
65.    World and relationship with the world

Lasallian Themes  3

66.    Abandonment to Providence
67.    Celebrating
68.    Chastity
69.    Community, Society, Institute
70.    Conduct
71.    Conduct of the Christian Schools
72.    Devotion and devotions
73.    Devotion to St. Joseph
74.    Director
75.    Duty, obligation
76.    Employment
77.    God
78.    Gratuity
79.    Humility
80.    Imitation of Christ
81.    Instruction(s), Instructing
82.    Mass
83.    Ministry, Minister
84.    Modesty
85.    Obedience
86.    Peace
87.    Piety
88.    Prayer
89.    Reading in French
90.    Redemption
91.    Religious
92.    Reward of the Teacher
93.    School
94.    Sin
95.    Stability
96.    Suffering
97.    Union among the Brothers
98.    Virtues of the Teacher
99.    Zeal