De La Salle brothers

Congregation of



Congregation of



Christmas 2022 -  Lasallian Stories on the Road

Christmas 2021 -  Joyfully I Behold Your Enduring Hope

Christmas 2020 -  I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life

Christmas 2019 -  Witnesses to Fraternity

Christmas 2017 -  Set out in Haste: Association for the Lasallian Mission

Christmas 2016 -  One Call, Many Voices

Christmas 2015 -  A Gospel Adventure: Outside the Camp

Christmas 2014 -  The vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late.” (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

Christmas 2013 -  Consecrated by God the Trinity as a Community of Brothers
Called to be witnesses of God’s love

Christmas 2012 -  Consecrated by God the Trinity as a Community of Brothers who are rejuvenated in the hopeof the Kingdom

Christmas 2011 -  Consecrated by God the Trinity as a Community of Brothers Who submit their ministry to God’s judgment

Christmas 2010 -  Consecrated by God the Trinity, As a Prophetic Community of Brothers impassioned for God and for the Poor

Christmas 2009 -  Consecrated by God the Trinity a Community of Brothers: Messengers and Apostles by the Church to make present the Kingdom of God

Christmas 2008 -  To be living signs of the presence of the Kingdom, in a community of Brothers consecrated by God the Trinity

Christmas 2007 -  Consecrated by God the Trinity, as a community of Brothers, to make visible his gratuitous and supportive love

Christmas 2006 -  ASSOCIATED WITH THE GOD OF HISTORY – Our Formative Life Journey

Christmas 2005 -  Associated Together to Seek God, Follow Jesus Christ, and Work for His Kingdom: Our Religious Life

Christmas 2004 -  Associated with the God of the Kingdom and the Kingdom of God, Ministers and Servants of the Word

Christmas 2003 -  Associated with the God of the Poor, Our Consecrated Life in the Light of the 4th Vow

Easter 2003 –   The Brother’s Vocation Today

Christmas 2002 -  Associated with the God of Life: Our life of prayer

Christmas 2001 -  Being Brothers in Community: Our Primary Association

Christmas 2000 -  The Image of the Brother Today