De La Salle brothers

Congregation of



Congregation of




La Giustiniana
00123 Roma
History of the House in Rome

     Without a doubt, Fr. Arul Raj, the luminous messenger of God (the founder of DMI & MMI) was overwhelmingly gazing at the roads of Rome while on an evangelical expedition along with mother virgin the co-foundress in the year 2010. The narration of this missionary trip by our founder still resounds in our memories. Going around the streets of Rome, walked miles to find a place for convenient stay, on foot walked towards a tea shop for getting a coffee for one euro crossing many other tea shops most convenient nearby. That was the moment our founder looked at the doom of St. Peter and prayed. Lord if it is your will, let us be placed in this eternal city ever remaining sacred place in the life of the Catholic Church. it remained behindhand for three years due to various reasons. Now this time, the providence of God moved the external circumstances into lucky fortunes. Thus, propelling the brain wave of God, the Father, our founder decided to initiate MMI community in Rome in the year 2014. Undoubtedly, it is a great gift from God the father for his unfathomable love and unquestionable loyalty to the Catholic Church.

Motive of MMI study house at Rome

Document on priestly formation Ratio Fundamentalis highlights on the formation of priests in the life of the Church.  In line with the thinking of the church, the founder wished:

  1. to form formators to grow in the awareness of being formators of the people of God,
  2. to reread the history of our society according to the mind of the founder,
  3. to have a precious occasion to stop, reflect, deepen and assimilate the charism of the society of MMI to spread its fragrance to the universal Church.
  4. for a joyful experience of fraternity and sharing with priests and religious from all over the world to share the holy patrimony of the society of MMI to all cultures and peoples.


Thus, to fulfil the above said motives, the commencement of the journey by three MMI missionaries on 22nd september 2014 was initiated; the three missionaries namely, Fr.Jesudhas, Fr. David Madalai Muthu and Fr. Rabin who were the front runners to form community which should never be an ornamental ideology rather to be productive and alive with the mark of MMI tradition. The house to which God wanted us to enter is like a place where the Lord poured forth His love, shimmering drops of His mercy, crystalline tears of compassion overspill, thus, our memory is retaining even today the little abundance offered to us. The House was furnished by the help of Rev. Fr. Anthonio Gurra who was a modest reservoir from whom we received all home accessories for our tranquil community living. We gratefully remember father Antonio Gurra who reached the eternal abode of God in the year 2019.

Arise to shine in the world as MMI

     We are delighted to express that our community members are placed in all the major universities which are the temples of learning. Till date, nine of our community members efficaciously completed their ecclesiastical studies with outstanding scores. It was made possible through their untiring effort, trustworthy ambience, eager and effective advice of our shining star none other than our founder. The particulars of the studies accomplished till day: Fr.Britto – Licentiate in Church History, Gregorianum, (2013- 2016). Fr. Charles – Licentiate, in Pastoral Theology, Lateranense, (2015-2017). Fr.Sebastin – Licentiate in Vita consecrata, Cleritianum (2015-2018), Fr. David – Licentiate and Doctorate, Missiology, Urbanianum, (2014-2017). Fr. Rabin – Licentiate and Doctorate, in Liturgy, Anselmianum (2014-2017). Fr.Lourdu – Licentiate in Social Communication, Salesian University. Fr. Antony – Licentiate in Sacred Scripture at Biblicum. Fr. Gana Pragasam – Licentiate in Biblical Theology, Gregorianum. Fr.Dolin – Licentiate and Doctorate in Canon Law, Lateranense.

     At present, Fr. Jegan, Fr. Jayaprakash and Fr. Alvin are doing their higher studies in Canon Law, Biblical Theology and Dogmatic theology at Pontifical Urbanian University. The community would like to thank the founder for being the inspiration that he is.

Mission of the Community

    After having encountered with MMIs, Rev. Dr. Jino Reali (bishop of porta-Santa Rufina) came to absorb the missionary spirit, simplicity of character, professionalism in the dealings, diligence of life twined with integrity, the bishop decided to offer a parish to MMIs. Fr. SUSAIMANICKAM John Britto was appointed as the assistant parish priest to Santa Paola Frassinetti, near FIUMICINO in the Diocese Santa Rufina.

     Benevolent blessing of God is so bountiful to MMI community Rome in the form of the vicar of His Holiness Pope Francis Cardinal Angelo de donatis who accepted to appoint Fr. Santhacruz Gleetus Rabin the assistant Parish Priest in the Parish of San Bartolomeo, Ottavia.

     After learning the missionary and apostolic zeal of our community, the bishop of santa rufina gave the pastoral care of the old age home, to the community of Mater Sapientiae.

     Our student priests are available for any kind of spiritual and pastoral care.