De La Salle brothers

Congregation of



Congregation of



TEXTS, STUDIES, DOCUMENTS: published in a non-periodic collection;

             Focusing on the person of St. John Baptist de La Salle, his writings and the origins of the Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools are the basis for the publication of two definitive works: a critical biography and the corpus of his works. Lasallian Journals have generally been published in French, but many of them have been translated into Spanish and English.


             The Complete Works of John Baptist de La Salle have been published in French (1993) and translated into Spanish (2001), Italian (1993) and English (2002). Next, into Portuguese (2010). Los Cuadernos Lasalianos han sido generally publicados en inglés, pero también muchos de ellos han sido objeto de traducción al español y al inglés. Las Obras Completas de Juan Bautista de La Salle han sido publicadas en inglés (1993) y traducidas al español (2001), al italiano (1993) and al inglés (2002). Nearly in Portuguese (2010).



1. The New Testament quotations in the Meditations for the Time of Retreat, Presentation, critical examination, introduction and notes.  XLVIII-106 p. — 1959. F. FLAVIEN-MARIE (Michel SAUVAGE, FSC),


2-3. The vows of the Brothers of the Christian Schools before the Bull of Benedict XIII,  First part: Facts and texts. 141 p. (out of print) — 1960. Second part: The documents, 93 p. (out of print) — 1960. (translation al español, Madrid: Ediciones San Pío X, 2003)  F. MAURICE-AUGUSTE  (Alphonse HERMANS, FSC)


4. Admirable conduct of divine Providence, in the person of the venerable Servant of God, John Baptist de La Salle …, Edition of the manuscript of 1721. XXV-105 p. — 1965. (translation al inglés 1979 y 1996, al español 1990, al italiano 1997) F. BERNARD


5. Brother Maurice HERMANS (1911-1987) and the origins of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools,  Presentation by Michel Sauvage, FSC. 468 p. — 1991. COLLECTIVE,


6. The life of M. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, priest, doctor of theology, former canon of the cathedral of Reims, and Teacher of the Brothers of the Christian Schools…, Comparative edition of the manuscripts of 1723 and 1740. 313 p. — 1966. (el manuscripto de 1740: traducido al español 1977, al malgache 1981, al japonés 1988, al inglés 1996) MAILLEFER, François-Élie,


7-8, The life of M. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Teacher of the Brothers of the Christian Schools,  Photomechanical reproduction of the original edition: 1733. Volume I. 444 p. — 1961. Volume II. 502p. Followed by: Summary of the lives of some Brothers of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools who died in the odor of holiness. — 1961. (Except for the Discours initial and the Abrégé, these two volumes have been translated into English in 1997 and 2000) BLAIN, Jean-Baptiste


9-10. Bernard, Maillefer, Blain: Cumulative indexes of place names and personal names.  288p. — 1974. Cumulative Analytical Index; II. List of sayings and writings attributed to Jean-Baptiste de La Salle. 215p. — 1979. COLLECTIVE,


11. The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in search of its canonical status: from its origins (1679) to the bull of Benedict XIII (1725) . VI-414 p. (out of print) — 1962. F. MAURICE-AUGUSTE (Alphonse HERMANS, FSC),


12. Meditations for every Sunday of the year with the Gospels for every Sunday.  First part. 236p. Meditations on the main Feasts of the year. 274 p. Anastatic reproduction of the original edition: [1731]. — 1962. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de,


13. Meditations for the Time of Retreat, for the use of all persons who devote themselves to the education of youth; and particularly for the retreat that the Brothers of the Christian Schools do during the holidays.  Anastatic reproduction of the original edition: [1730]. 84 p. (out of print) — 1963. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


14. Explanation of the Method of Prayer . Anastatic reproduction of the 1739 edition. 130 p. — 1963. LA SALLE , Jean-Baptiste de


15. Collection of various small treatises for the use of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.  Anastatic reproduction of the 1711 edition. Introduction, notes and tables, XVI-132 p. — 1963 LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


16. Contribution to the study of the sources of the “Collection of different small treatises”.  105p. — 1964. MAURICE-AUGUSTE  (Alphonse HERMANS), FSC, and JOSE-ARTURO (Arturo GAREIS), FSC,


17.  Instructions and prayers for the Holy Mass, Confession and Communion, with a Methodical Instruction by requests and answers to learn how to confess well. Anastatic reproduction of the 1734 edition. VI-284-IV p. — 1963. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


18. Exercises of piety which are done during the day in Christian Schools. Anastatic reproduction of the 1760 edition. XIII-140 p. — 1963. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


19. The Rules of Decorum and Christian Civility, for the use of Christian Schools.  Anastatic reproduction of the 1703 edition. XII-252-258 p. (out of print) — 1964. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


20-21.   The Duties of a Christian towards God and the means of being able to discharge them well.  Anastatic reproduction of the 1703 edition. Volume I,. XVIII-504 p. (presented in a continuous speech) — 1964. Volume II. 312p. (by requests and answers) — 1963. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de,


22. Of the external and public worship which Christians are obliged to render to God, and of the means of rendering it to him. Third part of the Duties of a Christian towards God.  Anastatic reproduction of the 1703 edition. VI-308 p. Followed by: Spiritual songs. Anastatic reproduction of the 1705 edition. 124 p. — 1964. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de,


23. Large abstract […]; Short summary of the Duties of the Christian towards God.  Anastatic reproduction of the editions of 1727. IV-172 p. — 1964. LA SALLE ,  Jean-Baptiste de


24. Conduct of Christian Schools.  Comparative edition of the so-called 1706 manuscript and the printed text of 1720. VII-230-292 p. — 1965. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


25. Practice of the Daily Regulations; Common Rules of the Brothers of the Christian Schools; Rule of the Brother Director of a House of the Institute.  From the manuscripts of 1705, 1713, 1718 and the first edition of 1726. 164 p. — 1965. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


26-27. The civil status records of the family of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Transcription and commentary accompanied by some documents which explain and complete them. Volume I. 523 p. — 1966. Volume II. 281p. — 1966. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC,


28-31 .Tutelle account of Marie, Rose-Marie, Jacques-Joseph, Jean-Louis, Pierre and Jean-Rémy, his sisters and brothers, minor sons of Louis de La Salle (1625-1672) and Nicolle Moët by Brouillet (1633-1671). Transcribed, annotated and presented by Léon de Marie AROZ, FSC. First part, Volume I. LXX-236 p. — 1967. Part One, Volume II. 296p. — 1967. Part Two, Volume III. 264p. — 1967. Part Three, Volume IV. 194 p. (out of print) — 1967. LA SALLE, Jean-Baptiste de


32. Management and administration of the property of Jean-Louis, Pierre and Jean-Rémy de La Salle, younger brothers of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, according to the guardianship account of Master Nicolas LEspagnol, their guardian, 1687. L- 358 p. — 1967. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC


33-34. The annuity certificates of the estate of Master Louis de La Salle, adviser to the Presidial of Reims (1625-1672). Volume I. 337 p. — 1969. Volume II. 262p. — 1969. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC


35-37. The property of Christian and free schools for poor boys in the city of Reims in the 18th century. Property acquired by Jean-Baptiste de La Salle and his immediate successors. Volume I: Title deeds. Detailed digital directory. XXXIX-286 p. — 1970. Volume II: Documents. 409p. — 1971. Volume III: At the sources of Life and Spirit: Rue Neuve — Rue de Contrai (1682-1972). 195 p. — 1973. Volume IV: Title Deeds. Documents. 338 p. — 1973. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC


38. Nicolas Roland, Jean-Baptiste de La Salle and the Sisters of the Child Jesus of Reims . 388p. — 1972. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC


39. Study by Mr. Claude Thiénot. Detailed digital inventory of notarial minutes relating to the de La Salle family and their close relatives (1593-1792). An unpublished letter from Saint John Baptist de La Salle.  195 p. — 1972. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC


40. John Baptist de La Salle. Bio-bibliographic documents (1583-1950).  Volume I: Analytical inventory. 328p. (almost out of print) — 1975. Volume II: Central Archives of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Inventory of Series A, B, C, D, M, R, T and V. 332 p. — 1976. AROZ, LEON DE MARIE, FSC


41. John Baptist de La Salle. Bio-bibliographic documents (1625-1758).  Volume I, Among His Own. 571 p. — 1977. Volume II, The years of impregnation (1661-1683). 669 p. (out of print) — 1979. AROZ, LÉON DE MARIE, FSC


42. John Baptist de La Salle. Bio-bibliographic documents (1670-1715).  Volume I: The Accounting Administrator. 579 p. (out of print) — 1982. AROZ, LÉON DE MARIE, FSC


43-44. Originality and influence of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle. Collection of Lasallian Studies.  I and II. 310p. — 1999. III and IV. 463 p. — 1999. POUTET, Yves, FSC


45-46. The Gospel Journey of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the recourse to Scripture in his “Meditations for the Time of Retreat”. Contribution to the study on the evangelical foundations of religious life. Volume I. XII-392 p. — 1974. Volume II. 392 p. — 1974. CAMPOS MARINO, Miguel-Adolfo, FSC


47. RODRIGUE , Jean-Guy, FSC, Contribution to the study of the sources of “Meditations on the main Feasts of the year”. XI-587 p. — 1988.


48. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle struggling with the times. Collection of Lasallian Studies.  XI-362 p. — 1988. POUTET, Yves, FSC,


49. Iconography of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, from the origins to the beatification (1666-1888) . 368p. (out of print) — 1989. CORNET Joseph-Aurélien, FSC, and ROUSSET Émile, FSC


50. The “Explanation of the Method of Prayer” by Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Presentation of the text of 1739.  Instrument of work. XXV-668 p. — 1989. (traducido al español 1993, y al inglés 1995) CAMPOS, Miguel, FSC, and SAUVAGE, Michel, FSC


51. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, executor of the late M e Louis de La Salle, his father.  493 p. (out of print) — Paris, 1989. AROZ, Louis-Marie, FSC


52. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Ten Years of Praetorium. Volume I: Reims (1676-1685) . 541 p. — 1993. AROZ, Louis-Marie, FSC


53. The estate of Nicolas Roland, theological canon of the Church of Notre-Dame de Reims.  238p. — 1995. AROZ, Louis-Marie, FSC,


54. The family of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle of Reims. Jean-Louis, Pierre and Jean-Rémy de La Salle. New Archive Documents . 422p. — 1998.


55. John Baptist de La Salle and the founding of his Institute (“Consecrated Brothers” in the Church for the World).  355p. — 2001. SAUVAGE , Michel, FSC


56. Charles DEMIA (1637-1689): Journal of 1685-1689, Presented, transcribed and annotated . 439 p. — 1994. POUTET, Yves, FSC,


57. Parmenia. The crisis of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle and his Institute (1712-1714). 282p. — 1994. (traducido al español, Colombia, 1999)BURKHARD, Leo, FSC, with the collaboration of SAUVAGE, Michel, FSC


58-60 The Civility of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle: Its sources. His message. A first approach. First part (the “sources”). 358p. — 1996. Second part (choices). 358p. — 1997. Third part (synopsis of texts). 504p. — 2000. PUNGIER, Jean, FSC,


61. The Conduct of Schools, Contextual Approach.  253p. — 2001. LAURAIRE, Leon, FSC,   Cahiers Lasalliens 61  


62.The Guide to Schools, Pedagogical Approach. 259 p. – 2006 LAURAIRE, Leon, FSC,  Cahiers Lasalliens 62  


63. The Conduct of Schools, critical text. LAURAIRE, Leon, FSC,  Cahiers Lasalliens 63  


64. The Catechism of the Mysteries and Feasts of John Baptist de La Salle. Its Sources – Its Message. First part. Roma,615 p. – 2007. PUNGIER, Jean, FSC,


65. The Catechism of the Mysteries and Feasts of John Baptist de La Salle. Its Sources – Its Message. Second part. Roma, 383 p. – 2008. PUNGIER, Jean, FSC,


66. The Catechism of the Mysteries and Feasts by John Baptist de La Salle. Its Sources – Its Message. Third part. PUNGIER, Jean, FSC,


67. The Guide to the Schools Diachronic approach – Evolution of the text from 1706 to 1916 LAURAIRE, Leon Lauraire, FSC ,            Cahiers Lasalliens 67  

Conference – May 12, 2015